10 Affordable Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

Jul 26, 2016
It seems food pricing knows no ceiling, increasing every year. Higher prices present many individuals and families with the dilemma of balancing a grocery budget with nutrition. A great thing to remember is a lot of foods stocked on grocery shelves across Nevada are accessible and affordable superfoods. Adding these easy-to-find, super-healthy foods not only improve your diet, they also won’t break the bank.

1. Oats

Who would have thought oats would be on this list? Oats are a great way to get soluble fiber in your diet with 3 grams per serving. Plus they can be a “go to” for an easy meal or added to a smoothie recipe. The added health benefits of oats are their potential to help lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol. The only type of oats you’ll want to avoid are oatmeal packets that are loaded with added sugar.

2. Oranges

Did you know? A single orange has one day’s worth of vitamin C, making it the perfect superfood to add to your snacking list. A nice surprise is the fact that oranges deliver 3 grams of fiber and water while only containing 70 calories. Oranges also help keep your eyes sharp with vision-boosting beta-carotene.

3. Peanut Butter

We all grew up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, never thinking of the health benefits. Lacking the cost of other expensive tree nuts such as almond and cashew butter, it delivers many of the same benefits, such as improving cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease.

4. Eggs

Eggs not only help boost your health, they help tackle obesity, which is a growing epidemic nationwide. Eggs are enjoyable at any stage of life, packed with 4 grams of protein per serving with yolks delivering vitamin D all for 80 calories. You can snack on eggs by hard-boiling them, eat them for breakfast a million different ways, and use them in many different dinner recipes.

5. Carrots

Carrots are another superfood that deliver beta-carotene (a type of vitamin A) to help with your vision. Boost that beta-carotene even higher by steaming carrots, which makes beta-carotene more available. Whether you grow your own or pick up carrots at your local store, this cancer fighting food is a great staple to add as a snack or into a recipe.

6. Potatoes

In order for every cell in your body to properly function, potassium is needed. Did you know when you sweat you lose potassium? Women need about 2,400 mg of potassium each day, while men need about 3,200 mg. There are many natural ways to get your daily dose of potassium, including bananas and spinach, but potatoes are still king when it comes to cost and amount of potassium they contain.

7. Avocados

Besides their delicious taste, avocados are super healthy, packed with monounsaturated fats that help lower your cholesterol. Avocados can be sliced and added to your egg breakfast, whipped up into an avocado side dish for dinner, or guacamole is also good for you.

8. Kale

Being an undisputed superfood isn’t easy. One single serving (1 cup cooked) has 10 times the daily value of bone-healthy vitamin K. You may ask, why vitamin K is so important? Well without it your blood would not be able to clot, playing a key role in the process. Kale also has 3 times the daily value of vitamin A, which is key for good vision, a healthy immune system and cell growth.

9. Almonds

If you’re looking for vitamin E almonds are the perfect snack. A 1-ounce serving (23 nuts, 162 calories) has 37 percent of daily vitamin E needs. This is important because many Nevadans fall short on this vitamin. Consuming 1.5 ounces of almonds or other nuts per day may reduce your risk of heart disease too, which is another plus. Almonds are available in many forms through grocery stores. Raw almonds are your best bet, while almonds roasted in oil contain slightly more calories.

10. Berries

Berries made this list because they can be found on sale during peak season in grocery stores and places such as Costco with bulk pricing. Blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and blackberries are highly recommended for healthy aging. Blueberries also contain high levels of antioxidants. These berries make great standalone snacks or can be added to yogurt or cereal.

Taking care of yourself also means annual doctor visits, which means health care is a must. If you currently don’t have health insurance, Nevada Health Link is here to help. As part of a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). In other words, certain life events or situations, such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce or birth/adoption of a child, may allow you to enroll in an insurance plan through Nevada Health Link outside of the annual open enrollment period.

All of our health plans exist to reduce the costs of health insurance and make sure you are covered. We’re always to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.