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Information for Nevada’s Broker & Navigator Partners

This page is intended to serve as the definitive source of information for our enrollment professionals.

This page is intended to serve as the definitive source of information for our enrollment professionals.

Agent/Broker Service Line: 1-800-547-8156
Monday through Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm PST

The Broker Intent to Sell Form for the next Plan Year will be posted here: in June. If your Intent to Sell is accepted, you will be sent an email with the broker certification training link from in September.

Reference Materials

On-Boarding Guides

The following documents will assist Navigators/CACs/EEFs (collectively referred to as Certified Enrollment Counselors or “CECs”) and Agents with gaining access to the Nevada Health Link SBE Platform:

Broker & Agent Onboarding

Defining Assister Roles

Returning Agent: Those who assisted at least one consumer with Plan enrollment during Open Enrollment. A broker or agent in the marketplace is a licensed professional who helps consumers navigate the marketplace and enroll in health plans or other services

New Agent: means you did not assist any consumers with enrollment during Open Enrollment Period (OEP). This group includes:

  • Agents/Brokers who may have assisted consumers with enrollments, but who did not assist consumers during (OEP).
  • Agents/Brokers who may have assisted consumers with SEP enrollments, but who did not assist consumers during (OEP)..

Navigator: a trained individual or organization that helps people find health insurance coverage through the federal Marketplace. Navigators do not receive commissions.

Certified Enrollment Assister: a trained professional who helps people find health coverage options through the Marketplace:

Important dates:

  • September – Broker/ Navigator annual training sent out.
  • October 1 – Window Shopping for new plan year available.
  • October 15 – Deadline to complete the Nevada Health Link’s New and Returning Broker & Agent Certification Course.
  • November 1 to January 15– Open Enrollment Period. Nevadans enroll for qualified health plans on

Contact information

The Broker Intent to Sell Form for the next Plan Year will be posted here: in June. If your Intent to Sell is accepted, you will be sent an email with the broker certification training link from in September.

Agent/Broker Service Line: 1-800-547-8156

Monday – Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm PST



Get Help Enrolling

Find free trained and certified enrollment professionals who can assist you with the enrollment process.
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Self Enrollment

Open enrollment begins November 1 and ends January 15. Outside of Open Enrollment you may be able to enroll through a Special Enrollment Period.
Enroll Now

Manage your Current Plan

Sign in on to view existing plan.