The first step of the enrollment process is to provide some basic information about your income and household composition by answering a few questions using our exchange eligibility pre-screener tool. If the tool identifies potential Medicaid/CHIP eligibility, then you will be directed to submit a Medicaid application.
The Affordable Care Act is intended to provide the lowest cost health coverage for an individual or family based on their income, family size, and location. One of the most important parts of the enrollment process is determining which level(s) of coverage you or your family may qualify for.
Enrollment Periods
Enrollment for a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) through Nevada Health Link is typically limited to the Open Enrollment Period, which occurs only once per year (November 1 – January 15). Individuals who experience certain types of life changes may qualify for a “Special Enrollment Period (SEP),” which allows for changes in enrollment any time of year.
Your Pre-Enrollment Checklist
Below you will find a checklist of items and documents that you will need to have when going through the enrollment process, either online or with an enrollment assister.
Please note you will also need to calculate your yearly household income to determine if you are eligible for Medicaid or a qualified health plan on Nevada Health Link.
Valid Nevada Driver License
Social Security Card
Proof of Nevada Residence
Household Income Estimate
Current Health Insurance
Nevada Health Link Login Credentials
Special Enrollment Period
Did you miss the deadline to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan through Nevada Health Link? You may be able to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) by reporting a life or income change. Reporting these changes as soon as possible ensures that you continue to receive the correct coverage and savings for you and your family. If these changes qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period to change plans, in most cases you may have up to 60 days from the life event to enroll in new coverage.
Life changes can include:
- Loss of health coverage
- Change in income
- Change in household size
- Change in place of residence
- Gaining U.S. legal status
- Change of immigration status
- Release from incarceration (prison or jail)
- Change in status as an American Indian/Alaska Native or tribal status
- Correction to name, date of birth, or social security number
- Experienced domestic abuse/violence or spousal abandonment
Report changes as soon as possible by contacting Nevada Health Link at 1-800-547-2927 or You can also report changes in your Nevada Health Link account online by logging in and clicking “Edit Application.” Instructions on the screen will guide you through the application process.