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Individual and Family Scenarios

Take a look at the family scenarios below to choose a story that best describes you and/or your family and helps you better understand your options (before and after ARPA).

We know that all Nevadans have different needs and diverse situations when it comes to health insurance coverage. Some enrollees may be eligible for subsidies to help cover their monthly premium costs, making health insurance more affordable than you thought. Others may be eligible for Medicaid and/or Nevada Check Up.

Take a look at the family scenarios below to choose a story that best describes you and/or your family and helps you better understand your options (before and after ARPA). Differences between members of a family can likely mean differences in health insurance options.

Scenario 1

Family of 4 (Father, 34 pregnant Mother, 32, 7-year old Son and 4-year old Daughter) that makes approximately $37,000 per year and living in Clark County.

Before ARPA:

  • Pregnant Mother, 32 is assessed for Medicaid eligibility due to pregnancy and income
  • 4-year old Daughter assessed for Medicaid/CHIP – Nevada Check Up eligibility
  • 7-year old Son assessed for Medicaid/CHIP – Nevada Check Up eligibility
  • Father qualified for a subsidized health plan through Nevada Health Link

After ARPA:

Father qualified for a fully subsidized health plan through Nevada Health Link with plans starting at $0/ month.

Scenario 2

Single adult (age 33) living in Carson City, eligible for a subsidized plan through Nevada Health Link, making approximately $30,0000 per year.

Before ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $40.90 – Bronze
  • Middle Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $191.89 – Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $293.39 – Gold

After ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $0.00 – Bronze
  • Middle Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $55.36 – Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $219.63 – Gold

Scenario 3

Married same sex couple (partner age 42, partner age 44 years), making annual income of approximately $42,000 and living in Las Vegas. Partner age 44, is accessing coverage on Medicaid because they are disabled. Partner age 42, is seeking coverage through Nevada Health Link and eligibility is as follows:

Before ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $175.03 – Bronze
  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $252.42 – Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $429.02 – Gold

After ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $0.00 – Bronze
  • Middle Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $86.71 – Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $382.03 – Gold

Scenario 4

A 25-year-old living in Washoe County making $30,000 per year can access plans for as little as $0/month. 

Before ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $103.65 – Bronze
  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $191.60 – Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $280.54 – Gold

After ARPA:

  • Lowest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $0.00 – Bronze
  • Middle Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $55.43- Silver
  • Highest Out of Pocket Monthly Premium: $128.10- Gold

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