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Find Enrollment Assistance

Enrollment assistance is always free through Nevada Health Link. Read below on how to find assistance near you.

For assistance, call the Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-547-2927
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Find Free Help Near You

Nevada Health Link has a statewide network of licensed enrollment professionals who have been trained to assist you with the application and enrollment process, and their assistance is available to you at no cost. After enrolling, your assister can continue helping you throughout the year by reporting changes to your account, helping you understand important notices, walking you through the annual renewal process, and more.

The assister you choose can be an Agent/Broker or a Certified Enrollment Counselor.

Find Assistance

What is an Agent or Broker?

Licensed Agents and Brokers are able to help individuals with the application and enrollment process. Agents work directly with Qualified Health Plan issuers to contract commissions on Nevada Health Link enrollments. Agents/Brokers have been trained and certified by Nevada Health Link and are licensed by the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Nevada Health Link has established a Broker Award program, and this year is working with a group of preferred brokers who have multiple locations where you can find enrollment assistance in person, for free. The list of the Broker Grantees for plan year 2025 are listed below. Call and make an appointment with these trained professionals today and prepare for open enrollment.

Jennifer Lorenz, Superior Benefits

4955 S. Durango Drive, Suite 157
Las Vegas, NV 89113

190 E Mesquite Blvd, Suite H
Mesquite, NV 89027


Aaron Ware, Aware Benefits

445 Apple St. #110
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: (775) 432 7559


Marine Ghykasian, MG Insurance Agency

8440 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 102
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: (702) 788-8098

Cell: (818) 281-3917


Bo Shih, Prestige Benefits and Insurance

4974 S. Rainbow Blvd #135
Las Vegas, NV  89118

(702) 355-8889

Beth Walker, Trygg Huset Group.

508 Nevada Way Suite 2
Boulder City, NV 89005
Office: 702-473-9292
Cell: 702-277-4121

Reisa Nolte, Golden Years Solutions.

3711 Sundance Dr.

Elko, NV 89801

Phone: 775-401-1219


Brian Douglas, ProtectHealth Ins.

2915 W. Charleston Blvd. Suite 170
Las Vegas, NV 89102



Gina Aguerre & John Collier, Nevada Silver Life and Health Agency

4600 Kietzke Ln A105
Reno, NV 89502


What is a Certified Enrollment Counselor or Navigator organization?

The term “Certified Enrollment Counselor” (or “CEC” for short) applies to a number of different enrollment partner organizations affiliated with Nevada Health Link, including Navigators, Certified Application Counselors (CACs), Exchange Enrollment Facilitators (EEFs), and In-Person Assisters (IPAs). Unlike Agents or Brokers, CECs are not employed by private insurance brokers and have no direct affiliation with insurance carriers. These organizations are primarily responsible for outreach, education, and enrollment for Nevada’s uninsured and under-insured populations, and they are able to answer enrollment questions and give unbiased explanations of the affordable health insurance plans offered through Nevada Health Link. CECs have been trained and certified by Nevada Health Link and are registered with the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Dignity Health Community Health Centers – Henderson

Dignity Health – St. Rose Dominican

Dignity Health St. Rosa Dominican Hospital

Dignity Health St. Rose Dominican Hospital

Asian Community Resource Center (ACRC)

Asian Community Development Council (ACDC)

4276 Spring Mountain Rd., Ste 207

Las Vegas, NV 89102

(702) 489-8866

Access to Healthcare Network 
4001 S. Virginia Street, Ste. F
Reno, NV 89502

Nevada Health Centers – Las Vegas
1799 Mt. Mariah Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Toll Free: 1-800-787-2568
Local: 702-241-0386

Nevada Health Centers

3325 Research way

2nd Floor Admin.

Carson City, NV 89706

Toll Free: 1-800-787-2568

Asian Community Development Council (ACDC)
4276 Spring Mountain Rd. Suite #207
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Asian Community Development Council (ACDC)

170 S. Virginia St. Suite 203

Reno, NV 89501

(725) 529-8886

Asian Community Resource Center (ACRC)

1771 E. Flamingo Rd. Suite113A

Las Vegas, NV 89119

(725) 205-1205

R.E.A.C.H. Ventanilla  de Salud

  • 823 S 6th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101

R.E.A.C.H. Salvando de Salud

  • 765 N Nellis Blvd Suite 5, Las Vegas, NV 89110

The Center

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Next, choose whether to search for an Agent/Broker or a Certified Enrollment Counselor:

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For Agents/Brokers, you can search by location (i.e. Zip code and distance), or if you know the name of your Agent/Broker you can search by their First/Last Name or Company Name:

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For CECs, you can search by location (i.e. Zip code and distance), or you can search for a CEC organization by name:


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Self Enrollment

Enrollment for 2025 health insurance place will take place on this site from Nov. 1 – Jan. 15.
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