Don’t point fingers, but do you know someone who is afraid of shots? Instead of being afraid, consider being more fearful of the diseases they help prevent. Important vaccinations, like the flu shot, help protect the body against life-threatening diseases. With August being National Immunization Awareness Month, Nevada Health Link has important resources for you to learn about the benefits of immunizations for every stage of life.
What Are Vaccines?
According to Immunize Nevada, vaccines help protect “against serious diseases by stimulating the immune system to create antibodies against certain bacteria or viruses.” Diseases such as polio, measles, smallpox and whooping cough used to be devastating because there was no cure. Today, modern vaccines are helping eradicate deadly diseases.
Why Should I Immunize?
Some people don’t consider immunizations important in this age because no one they know has measles or polio. While many serious diseases aren’t present in the United States, they still exist in other parts of the world. Through world travel, many diseases have a chance of coming back to the United States. Without immunizations, these diseases could once again cause widespread illness. The best practice is to stay up to date with vaccinations. Check out this chart from the CDC for recommended vaccines that vary from age to age.
Another reason everyone should get vaccinated is because of herd immunity. When a majority of the community receives a vaccine, it helps limit the disease’s ability to spread. Herd Immunity is especially crucial for individuals who can’t accept vaccines, such as pregnant women, infants and people who are immunocompromised. Getting a vaccine protects the people around you, so do it for them.
Remember, your 10 Essential Health Benefits cover vaccinations. With school starting soon, it’s the perfect time to be sure the whole family’s immunization records are up to date. Immunization records are available online through Nevada WebIZ. If anyone has vaccinations missing, call your local clinic or healthcare provider to find out when to come in.