Pre-Existing Conditions and Your Health Insurance

May 15, 2019
In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made it illegal for health insurance companies offering qualified health plans to deny medical coverage or raise rates due to a pre-existing condition. In April 2019, the Nevada State Legislature passed a bill to ensure that regardless of the ACA’s existing policy, all Nevadans with pre-existing conditions would still be protected throughout the state. When it comes to health insurance, the best health insurance plans in Nevada will offer comprehensive coverage.

What is a pre-existing condition?

  • A pre-existing condition is defined as a medical illness, health problem or injury you have received treatment or diagnosis for before you enrolled in a new health insurance plan.
  • Some examples of chronic illnesses are diabetes, many forms of cancer, lupus, epilepsy and depression.
  • Less severe conditions such as acne, asthma, anxiety and sleep apnea may also qualify.

Is pregnancy treated as a pre-existing condition?

  • If you were pregnant before you applied, your insurance plan cannot deny you coverage or charge you more because of your pregnancy.
  • Once you’re enrolled, your pregnancy and childbirth are covered as soon as your plan begins.

Can I be denied coverage?

  • No. All health insurance plans offered through Nevada Health Link must cover treatment for pre-existing conditions.
  • Insurance companies cannot deny or refuse to cover treatment for your pre-existing condition or charge you higher rates because of a pre-existing condition. Health insurance companies in Nevada that offer Qualified Health Plans must over pre-existing conditions.
  • Marketplace plans also cannot put an annual or lifetime limit on your coverage.

Is there health insurance for my pre-existing conditions?

We get it, insurance coverage is not easy to understand. That’s why Nevada Health Link is here to provide the resources necessary to create a better understanding of healthcare coverage and how it affects you. To learn more or receive answers to additional questions that you may have, email Nevada Health Link at