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Managing Diabetes in Nevada with Access to Healthcare Network

Sep 23, 2019
Diabetes can be a scary diagnosis. When left untreated, it can lead to other health complications including heart disease, kidney damage, as well as, risk of stroke and even nerve damage. While it is a severe chronic disease in the United States, diabetes doesn’t have to hold you back from a healthy life. The key is to learn to manage it. In Nevada, more than 280,000 adults live with diabetes. Luckily, there are some resources available to help educate yourself, self-manage your illness and improve your overall wellbeing. Access to Healthcare (AHN) is one of those resources. 

Managing Diabetes in Nevada with Access to Healthcare Network

What is the program?

AHN’s Diabetes Self-Management Education program is a six-week workshop designed to help individuals gain the skills needed to manage their blood sugar levels. If you’re a Nevada resident living with type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes, you have access to participate in the workshop. You will receive an individualized comprehensive education plan consisting of diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications that are catered to your goals. Additionally, you’ll receive a one-on-one consultation with a registered dietitian, six group classes, including nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, along with a follow-up assessment and support.

What are the benefits of taking the program?

How you manage and care for yourself creates a domino effect of benefits. You will have a better understanding of your illness and the information needed to track changes and improve your overall health. Participants who have completed the Diabetes Self-Management Education program have reported the following:

  • Improved control and management of diabetes-related symptoms
  • Improved A1C and blood glucose levels
  • Improved control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Reduced risk of complications such as stroke and heart attack
  • Reduced medical care costs

Where can I learn more?

To learn more about the workshop schedule, cost or specific topics covered, check out Remember, diabetes education services fall under the preventative or wellness and chronic disease support services, one of your 10 Essential Health Benefits.

Just remember, if you or someone you know has diabetes, you can’t afford not to be covered. If you or a loved one currently don’t have health insurance, Nevada Health Link is here to help. As part of a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). In other words, certain life events or situations, such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce or birth/adoption of a child, may allow you to enroll in an insurance plan through Nevada Health Link outside of the annual open enrollment period.

All of our health plans exist to reduce the costs of health insurance and make sure you are covered. We’re always to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.