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It’s National Immunization Awareness Month: Get ahead on required and recommended vaccines

Aug 18, 2022

Back-to-school always revs up in August, but it also coincides with the change in seasons that can bring on colds and viruses. That’s why every child in Nevada is required to provide vaccination records before heading back to school. 

In order to debunk myths surrounding vaccinations and continue to fight against infectious diseases, National Immunization Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate the community to ensure a healthy future, and recognize the benefits of vaccines. 

Vaccines are recommended throughout our lives, even during pregnancy, so babies are born with protection. But vaccines aren’t just for kids—they’re for adults, too. Adults also should consider an annual flu shot; those over 60 should talk to their doctor about the shingles vaccine, especially if they had a history of chickenpox in the past. Tetanus shots also should be scheduled once every ten years.

Take a look at these top 4 details on what you need to know about immunizations, and check when you and your family need to schedule for your next one.

Get vaccinated for 14 different diseases

Immunizations have eradicated many diseases in the U.S., including diphtheria, polio, and measles. When you’re vaccinated against transmittable diseases, this increases the herd immunity among your community, especially with those who may have vulnerable health risks. Getting a vaccine protects the people around you, so do it for them. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccinating against 14 different preventable diseases, such as polio, measles, and hepatitis.  

But some of these diseases are making a comeback, such as measles and whooping cough. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your immunization records as diseases evolve.

Immunizations protect your future

For example, getting a chickenpox vaccination administered during childhood can offer protection against shingles in adulthood.
That’s because the virus that causes chickenpox is the same one that causes shingles, a painful condition that can happen in adulthood around the age of 30.

Side effects and reactions are usually mild

Like most medical treatments, there is always a risk of side effects. Reactions can vary from different vaccinations, however, most side effects are mild and usually dwindle within a day or two.

You also don’t have to get all of your vaccinations at once; vaccinations can be broken up into individual shots instead of having it all done at the same time.

The risks of not being vaccinated

The thought of having a needle poked into your skin isn’t a pleasant one, but being unvaccinated, especially as a child, is a risk to those around them. Diseases can be deadly to someone with a compromised immune system, such as an elderly relative or a person undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

Pick the best health insurance plan to schedule vaccinations

Remember, your 10 essential health benefits with Nevada Health Link cover vaccinations. Ensure your entire family’s immunization records are up to date by accessing your records through Nevada WebIZ. If anyone has vaccinations missing, call your local clinic or healthcare provider to find out when to come in.

Stay healthy by staying insured. If you’re not currently enrolled in health insurance, let us help. Certain qualifying life events (QLE) may make you eligible for a special enrollment period. QLE’s are life-changing events such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce and birth/adoption of a child to name a few. Nevada Health Link can connect you with a certified broker or navigator to see if you qualify for special enrollment. Email us at for any additional questions you may have concerning affordable health insurance and start your enrollment process today. 
You can learn more about National Immunization Awareness Month at Immunize Nevada, or check out the library of free activities and resources about vaccines from the CDC.